Israeli Settler Researcher in Military Uniform Killed During Israeli Operation in Southern Lebanon

Southern Lebanon (Quds News Network)- An Israeli settler researcher, wearing a military uniform, was killed on Wednesday in southern Lebanon during an Israeli military attack.
Ze’ev “Jabo” Arlich, a 71-year-old from the settlement of Ofra, was part of an Israeli army unit operating in the region. The Israel army stated that the circumstances surrounding Arlich’s entry into Lebanon are under investigation.
Arlich, a long-time researcher, reserve soldier, and settler, had joined the Israeli army in southern Lebanon as part of the ongoing invasion.
He was a prominent figure the settlement movement across Palestine and he was using archaeolog to facilitate settlement. He had issued studies about several archaeological sites across Palestine to justify Israel’s occupation and was a lecturer at the Morashat Yaakov-Ort Israel College.
The incident occurred around 3 p.m., when Arlich entered Lebanon with a Golani Brigade unit, led by a Colonel. The team arrived at an archaeological site about 6 kilometers from the border, which included a historic fortress. While on site, two Hezbollah fighters opened fire, fatally wounding Arlich.
The Israeli army has launched an investigation into whether it was necessary for Arlich to be part of the attack, and whether he had previously entered combat zones. The Israeli army has decided to recognize Arlich as a fallen soldier.
Additionally, the operation resulted in the death of one other Israeli soldier, and a commander from the Golani Brigade was severely injured and evacuated to a hospital.