WitchHunt, the documentary the UK Labour Party doesn’t want you to watch

(QNN) – You can finally watch the documentary film which was banned from being screened at the British parliament because of it raising a discussion about ‘anti-Semitism in Labour debate’.

Witch Hub tells the story of the left-wing member Jackie Walker who was suspended from the Labour Party over allegedly ‘anti-Semitic’ comments.

Different opinions agreed that this move shows how ‘anti-Semeticim’ has become a weapon in the hands of those defending Israel’s abusive practices, and how accusations of anti-Semitism have been increasingly used to silence critics of the Israeli occupation and its practices against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank, besieged Gaza Strip and occupied East Jerusalem.

The documentary, also, exposes the close relations between the pro-Israel lobby and members of the British parliament and tells the story of Israel’s alliance with the global far-right

The documentary was supposed to be screened in a room in the Parliament, booked by Williamson on behalf of the group Jewish Voice for Labour, but it was canceled after the Labour leadership came under severe pressure by right-wing and pro-Israel Labour MPs.

According to sources to The Electronic Intifada, Ruth Smeeth was behind much of the outrage against Williamson.

Smeeth is a former professional Israel lobbyist who, since becoming an MP, has continued to receive donations from prominent Israel lobby funders.

A few days before Williamson’s suspension Smeeth announced to a meeting of the Parliamentary Labour Party that a room had been booked to show the film. This caused the sound of “250 voices doing a sharp intake of breath,” according to the sources, resulting in howls of outrage, including “Shame!” and “Disgraceful!”

“WitchHunt takes a far wider view than Walker’s case alone. It puts the entire, years-long, manufactured ‘Labour antisemitism crisis’ campaign into its correct global context,” Asa Winstanley, from Electronic Intifada, wrote.

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