While provoking and detaining Palestinians, hundreds Israeli settlers break into Al-Aqsa

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- A large number of extremist Israeli settlers broke into the courtyards of the Al-Aqsa Mosque in the occupied city of Jerusalem in the early morning hours of Monday.
Under the occupation forces protection, over 500 Israeli settlers broke into the courtyard of Al-Aqsa Mosque during the morning break-in session.
The settlers entered through the Damascus Gate- which Palestinians call Bab al-Amoud Gate- and they are now provoking the Palestinian worshipers by performing Talmudic prayers loudly in the courtyards the mosque.
طقوس تلمودية علنية عند باب السلسلة، أحد أبواب المسجد الأقصى pic.twitter.com/cRrXwcNdYd
— AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) September 27, 2021
مستوطنون يؤدون طقوساً وصلوات تلمودية في المسجد الأقصى الآن pic.twitter.com/2Xx8xYkrjk
— AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) September 27, 2021
Two Israeli settlers were also seen celebrating their wedding in the courtyards of the holy site.
انتهاك كامل لحرمة المسجد!
مستوطنان باركا زفافهما في مسرى رسولنا قبل قليل! pic.twitter.com/81OaIlEAXh— AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) September 27, 2021
Another settler was seen raising the Israeli occupation flag near one of the mosques’ gates.
#عاجل للمرة الثانية خلال أقل من ساعة.. مستوطنون يرفعون علم الاحتلال عند باب الملك فيصل، أحد أبواب المسجد الأقصى #الأقصى_في_خطر pic.twitter.com/jHVOr5QwlF
— AlQastal القسطل (@AlQastalps) September 27, 2021
The forces also brutally detained a Palestinian youth for no apparent reason except for praying in the mosque during the settlers raid.
شهود عيان: "قوات الاحتلال تعتقل شابًا فلسطينيًا لأدائه الصلاة تزامنًا مع اقتحامات المستوطنين للمسجد الأقصى، قبل قليل". pic.twitter.com/HaAKUOmKt3
— شبكة قدس الإخبارية (@qudsn) September 27, 2021
Israeli occupation authorities allow settler incursions to the mosque since 2003 under the forces protection, despite repeated objections and warnings by the Palestinian religious authorities as the visits provoke worshippers of the mosque.
Israeli forces always facilitate and protect the settlers breaking into the holy site while preventing Palestinian worshipers from entering it, assaulting and detaining them.
Al-Aqsa Mosque is the third holiest site in Islam which located in occupied Jerusalem.