Watchdog: Nachshon repression unit assaulted Qadiri

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- The Committee of Detainees’ and Former Detainees’ Affairs said that members of the Nachshon repression unit attacked and assaulted Ya’qoub Qadiri, one of the six Gilboa prison breakers, after his latest court hearing. His lawyer said that over 20 jailers attacked him, threw him to the ground and stepped on his shackles, which caused injuries in his right hand.

The committee added that the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) refused to send Qadiri to the prison’s clinic.

It added that the IPS also continues to hold Qadiri in solitary confinement in Rimonim prison with Israeli dangerous criminal prisoners. His cell is not suitable for living and surveilled around the clock.

The IPS also denies Qadiri his right to communicate with anyone outside. Israeli jailers treat him harshly.

Qadiri was arrested several times, the first of them was when he was only 15 years old. He was sentenced to two life sentences and 35 years.

Last May, he, and five other political detainees, carried out a successful prison break, leaving Israel’s most secured prison “Gilboa”.

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