Vienna on high alert after a terror attack

Vienna (QNN)- Heavily-armed gunmen have opened fire in six different locations in central Vienna, killing four people.
As of 06:30 am, this is what we can confirm towards the assault in Vienna's inner city district: #0211w
— POLIZEI WIEN (@LPDWien) November 3, 2020
Officials said the attack began near Vienna’s central synagogue, Seitenstettengasse synagogue, when a heavily armed man opened fire on people outside cafes and restaurants, killing two men and two women, and wounding several more on Monday night.
Austrian Chancellor Sebastian Kurz called it a “repulsive terror attack” and said one gunman was also killed.
Wir erleben gerade schwere Stunden in unserer Republik. Ich möchte allen Einsatzkräften danken, die insbesondere heute für unsere Sicherheit ihr Leben riskieren. Unsere Polizei wird entschlossen gegen die Täter dieses widerwärtigen Terroranschlags vorgehen.
— Sebastian Kurz (@sebastiankurz) November 2, 2020
The interior minister said that police were searching for at least one attacker who was still at large.
Wir haben es noch immer mit einem mutmaßlichen Terroranschlag zu tun. Einer der Terroristen konnte ausgeschaltet werden. Es gilt nach wie vor der Appell: Bitte bleiben Sie drinnen. Wir sind nach wie vor im Kampf gegen die Terroristen. #0211w
— Karl Nehammer (@karlnehammer) November 2, 2020
It is not yet clear if the synagogue was the target, officials stated, but Jewish community leader Oskar Deutsch tweeted that the synagogue was closed at the time the attack began.
Ob der Stadttempel eines der Ziele war, kann derzeit nicht gesagt werden. Fest steht allerdings, dass sowohl die Synagoge in der Seitenstettengasse als auch das Bürogebäude an der selben Adresse zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Schüsse nicht mehr in Betrieb und geschlossen waren. 1/
— Oskar Deutsch (@DeutschOskar) November 2, 2020
Many European leaders strongly condemned the attack, describing it as a terrible and heinous act.
I am deeply shocked by the terrible attacks in Vienna tonight. The UK’s thoughts are with the people of Austria – we stand united with you against terror.
— Boris Johnson (@BorisJohnson) November 2, 2020
A terrible attack near a synagogue in Vienna. I have just conveyed full solidarity from the Netherlands to @sebastiankurz. Our thoughts are with the victims and their families, and with the Austrian government in dealing with this heinous act.
— Mark Rutte (@MinPres) November 2, 2020
One of the suspected gunmen was shot dead by police, who, as police said, identified as an ISIS group sympathiser.
Recently, Vienna has experienced this kind of deadly attacks which have struck Paris, London, Berlin and others. It’s noted that Islamophobia has spread widely, Macron’s comments on Islam was the last.