Video| Jerusalemites destroy signs of occupation throughout their city

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- Jerusalemites carried out a campaign to destroy signs of the Israeli occupation in their city during the ongoing uprising.

Hundreds of young men targeted surveillance cameras installed in Palestinian neighborhoods. Video footage showcased a young man climbing a pole and destroying surveillance cameras that have been used by the Israeli police to monitor native Palestinians. Hundreds of young men around appear chanting and praising him.

In another footage, locals destroyed the main cluster of surveillance cameras, causing all cameras throughout the occupied city to break down.

The occupation state is using surveillance cameras to spy on native Palestinians and carry out mass arrests.

Since the start of the holy month of Ramada, occupied Jerusalem has been seeing tension due to the Israeli daily attacks on worshipers at Al Aqsa mosque following Taraweeh prayer.

On Thursday hundreds of Israeli settlers went to the streets of the holy city, chanting “death to Arabs”, and attacked worshipers. However, hundreds of locals retaliated in an ongoing uprising.

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