Video: Israeli soldiers rape Palestinian detainee in Sde Teiman prison

Occupied Palestine (Quds News Network)- A leaked video showing a group of Israeli soldiers sexually abusing a Palestinian detainee in the notorious Israeli detention camp Sde Teiman has come to the fore.

The footage from surveillance cameras, aired by Israeli Channel 12, shows a group of Israeli reservist soldiers picking a Palestinian detainee out of more than 30 others, who are all laid on the ground blindfolded.

The soldiers then took the detainee to a corner and committed sodomy and rape.

“It is clear that they know about the surveillance cameras, and try to hide their act with shields,” the report said.

“The video contains documentation of the felony of the reservists: the act of sodomy in these circumstances.”

On Monday, nine Israeli soldiers at Sde Teiman were arrested on suspicion of raping the Palestinian detainee.

The reservists, who are members of Force 100, a unit tasked with guarding the prisoners in Sde Teiman, were brought to the military court at the Beid Lid base for a bail hearing.

They claimed the prisoner attacked them during the search process, according to Haaretz. The detainee hospitalized in Beersheba has been returned to the notorious facility.

Israeli NGO Physicians for Human Rights denounced the detainee’s return to the facility where he was abused.

He suffered from “a ruptured bowel, a severe injury to his anus, lung damage and broken ribs”, according to Haaretz and Arab48.

Yoel Donchin, a doctor at Sde Teiman who has attended the detainee, was also quoted as saying that he “couldn’t believe an Israeli prison guard could do such a thing”.

He said: “If the state and Knesset [parliament] members think there’s no limit to how much you can abuse prisoners, they should kill them themselves, like the Nazis did, or close the hospitals… If they maintain a hospital only for the sake of defending ourselves at [the International Criminal Court] the Hague, that’s no good.”

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