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Video| #Free_Husseins_chick trending in Lebanon in protest against Israel’s captivation of a chick

Beirut (QNN)- A video of an interview with a Lebanese child called Hussein, talking about his chick, which has been captivated by the Israeli army and demanding to get it back, trended on social media on Tuesday.

In the video, Hussein Sharatouni (9 years old), from Mays Al Jabal in Southern Lebanon near the borders with occupied Palestine, says that when he opened the door of the chicken coop, his chick, which his father has baught for him only one day before the accident, ran away.

“When I tried to feed it, it ran away there (pointing at the border)”, says hussein. “When I chased it to catch it, the Israelis started shooting at the sky.”

Then the interviewer asks Hussein if he felt scared, but the 9-year-old boy says, “no, I did not”. “Why?”, asks the interviewer. “I wasn’t scared because I wanted my chick!”, Hussein answers.

The video ends with the child calling for the Israeli army to return his chick.

The hashtag #Free_Husseins_chick in Arabic trended in Lebanon on Twitter. Several accounts mocked the Israeli army for “arresting” a chick and being scared of a child, who was chasing his chick, while others linked the incident with demands to release all those held inside Israeli jails.

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