US Episcopal Church boycotts pro-Israeli companies

United States (QNN)- The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church in the United States unanimously voted to adopt a human rights investment screen and will sell its holdings in Motorola Solutions, Caterpillar, Inc., and the Israel Discount Bank for benefiting from the Israeli occupation.
The Episcopal Church ban would prohibit investments in “any corporation that supports or benefits from the denial of human rights in or through the occupation of the West Bank, East Jerusalem or the Gaza Strip.”
The Executive Council of the Episcopal Church also directed the Corporate Social Responsibility Committee “to pursue continued engagement with Facebook, and TripAdvisor, urging them to address human rights violations.”
According to a statement by the church, it is “seeking to ensure that the companies take all necessary steps to end their complicity in the occupation.”
Establishing a human rights investment screen for investments related to Israel and Palestine adds to the list of screens used by the Episcopal Church, including tobacco, fossil fuels, and certain military contractors, the Council said.