UN report: ‘Israel’ demolishes 24 buildings in 2 weeks

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- A new report by the United Nations stated that the Israeli authorities demolished 24 buildings owned by Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and Jerusalem in the last two weeks under the pretext of having no building permissions.
The Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs in the United Nations (OCHA) mentioned in its periodic report on civilians protection that the Israeli demolition “left nine Palestinians homeless and affected 80 others”.
The report also said that the number of Palestinians, who have been left homeless this year due to the Israeli demolition policy, has reached 480.
Israeli authorities have demolished ten residential buildings in occupied Jerusalem while all other demolitions took place in area c.
In the same period, the Israeli authorities have also carried out 178 raids; 37 in Jerusalem, 35 in Hebron, 26 in Ramallah. 190 Palestinians were arrested during the raids.
The report also stated that 14 settlers attacks were reported, in which four Palestinians, including a child, were wounded and properties were vandalized.
Israeli forces have also wounded 173 during confrontations with Israeli forces throughout the occupied West Bank.
The report revealed that the Israeli army opened fire at Palestinians in Gaza and on Gaza’s beach in 39 cases at least. It also continued to repress peaceful protests on Gaza boarders, injuring 268 Protesters.