UN expresses deep concerns over Israel’s plans to expand settlements in West Bank

The UN Special Coordinator for the Middle East Peace Process Tor Wennesland has expressed deep concerns over Israel’s Sunday announcement of plans to approve the building of over 1,355 housing units in illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem.

“Today, the Israeli authorities announced tenders for the construction of more than 1,300 housing units in the occupied West Bank,” said the UN Special Coordinator in a statement.

“I am deeply concerned by continued Israeli settlement expansion in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. I reiterate that all settlements are illegal under international law, remain a substantial obstacle to peace, and must cease immediately,” Wennesland added.

On Sunday, Israel’s so-called Ministry of Housing published 13 new tenders for the construction of 1,355 housing units in 7 illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and another tender for the construction of an additional 83 units in the illegal settlement of Givat Hamatos in East Jerusalem.

These tenders are in addition to about 3,000 housing units in the illegal settlements that will be promoted this coming Wednesday, according to the Israeli anti-settlement watchdog Peace Now, which said the publication of a tender means that the government wants to start construction.

92% of the housing units in the tenders published yesterday are in settlements deep in the occupied West Bank that ‘Israel’ will have to evacuate under a permanent agreement, Peace Now said.

There are nearly 700,000 Israeli settlers living in 256 illegal settlements and outposts scattered across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem. Israeli settlements are illegal under international law.

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