UN experts slam US support for Israel’s “unlawful” annexation plans

Geneva (QNN)- UN human rights experts on Tuesday said the Israeli annexation plans violate international law and called on other countries to oppose them.
In a joint statement, 50 experts condemned US support for the Israeli plans, calling them “unlawful”.
“The annexation of occupied territory is a serious violation of the Charter of the United Nations and the Geneva Conventions, and contrary to the fundamental rule affirmed many times by the United Nations Security Council and General Assembly that the acquisition of territory by war or force is inadmissible,” the statement stated.
What would be left of the West Bank after the annexation of about 30% would amount to a “Palestinian Bantustan,” it added.
Trump’s son in law, Jared Kushner, had unveiled a unilateral peace plan that included Israel’s annexation of 30% of the West bank ad the Jordan Valley.
Although of the Palestinian rejection of the US proposal, the occupation state went ahead applying the annexation plans.
“The United Nations has stated on many occasions that the 53-year-old Israeli occupation is the source of profound human rights violations against the Palestinian people,” the experts’ statement said.
Violations have included land confiscation, settler violence, home demolitions, excessive use of force and torture, restrictions on the media and freedom of expression, and “a two-tier system of disparate political, legal, social, cultural and economic rights based on ethnicity and nationality,” it said.
“These human rights violations would only intensify after annexation,” it added.