UK cabinet slams ‘Israel’ over “barbaric” violations in Palestine

London (QNN)- The UK cabinet on Thursday issued a statement, slamming the occupation state for violating international law with its recent actions in Palestinians throughout historic Palestine.
In a statement on Thursday after a meeting the day before, the cabinet said Israeli actions were “in stark violation of international law”.
The meeting came on the same day as protests in many parts of the UK against the Israeli offensive in Palestine.
““Cabinet strongly condemned the attacks on Palestinian protesters at Al Aqsa Mosque and the Dome on the Rock and the unlawful evictions of Palestinians from their homes in the Sheikh al Jarrah in the annexed East Jerusalem to make way for Israeli settlements”, the statement read.
““Israel’s actions are in stark violation of international law, and a total disregard of the United Nations Security Council Resolutions … which explicitly call for an end to Israeli occupation and the fulfilment of the rights of the Palestinian people, including to self-determination and independence.”
“Cabinet calls on Israel to stop the barbaric attacks on Palestinians and commit itself to international efforts aimed at reviving a political process, leading to the establishment of a viable Palestinian state, existing side by side in peace with Israel within internationally recognised borders, based on those existing on June 4 1967, with East Jerusalem as the capital Palestine.”