UK brings man on trial for wearing free Palestine T-shirt supporting resistance

London (QNN)- A British court has brought a 34-year-old man on trial for wearing a Free Palestine T-shirt, which supports the Palestinian resistance.
Feras Al Jayoosi pleaded guilty to four counts of wearing a T-shirt supporting a “proscribed organization”.
Al Jayoosi was wearing a T-shirt with the slogan “Free Palestine” printed on it. Also, the logos of Hamas’ and the IJ’s resistance armed wings were printed on the T-shirt.
Both resistance factions are designated as terrorist organizations in the UK.
Westminster Magistrates’ Court heard that Al Jayoosi wore the T-shirts in Golders Green on 8 June and 9 June this year.
He also wore them at Barbury Castle, an Iron Age hill fort in Wiltshire, on 30 May.
Al Jayoosi was released on conditional bail.