Twitter suspends accounts of major Palestinian news institutions

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Within its campaign against the Palestinian narrative, Twitter suspended the accounts of four major Palestinian news institutions.
The targeted accounts this time were those belonging to Shehab Agency, The Palestinian Information Center, Silwan Information Center, and +Pal, denying over a million followers their right to know about the recent news in Palestine.
In a statement issued on Sunday, Shehab Agency stated that its English account was suspended, stressing that the suspension was without any explanation or prion warning.
“In the face of this dangerous practice, we are deeply dismayed at Twitter’s bias and compliance with the Zionist dictates, which aim at fighting and removing the Palestinian content from an international platform that claims to be inclusive and respecting to everyone’s freedom of speech and expression.”
Meanwhile, the Palestinian Information Center stressed that the suspension of its account comes as part of the social media giant’s racist policy against Palestine and the Palestinian people.
Last Friday, thousands of pro-Palestine activists around the world took part in a campaign using the hashtag #TwitterCensorsPalestine, demanding the social media platform to stop its biased policy that favors the Zionist narrative and completely ignores the Palestinian people and their rights.
Last year Twitter suspended all blue-checked accounts of Quds News Network (QNN) without explaining the reasons and without any prior warning.
The Israeli minister of strategic affairs Orit Farkash-Hacohen had stated that “thanks to Israeli pressure, Twitter suspended 30 accounts that slammed the West Bank annexation.”
Hacohen claimed that that suspended accounts also called for an international investigation against Israel’s crimes.