Twin teenagers narrate their horrible arrest experience

Ramallah (QNN)- The Commission of Detainees Affairs Monday issued a report, narrating details of the horrible arrest experience that the twin teenagers Nasrallah and Naser Addin Al Sha’er (17 years old) have been going through for the last month.

The report quoted the twin as saying that they were arrested from their house at 3:00 am on February 3rd, 2021. Israeli soldiers savagely broke into their house after exploding the main door.

“Outside the house, they handcuffed and blindfolded us then they took us in a military jeep to a near settlement”, the twin tells one of the commission’s lawyers. “After 15 minutes they took us to Huwwarah detention center in southern Nablus”.

“We stayed in a very tiny cell in Huwwarah detention center for 16 days. The life there was like hell; the food was very bad and the treatment was very uncivilized”, they added.

“For 16 days, we have not been allowed to bathe. We stayed wearing the same clothes for 16 days. They also prevented us from going out to the jail’s courtyard for 16 days. the cell was very cold and they only gave us a very dirty blanket. The floor and walls of the cell were all covered with dirt and they smelled very nasty. We had our worst days there.”

“After that, we were taken to Salem military camp, where we were interrogated, each one of us alone, for nearly an hour. Then we were taken to section 10 of Megiddo jail, where we have been for seven days so far”.

Each year approximately 500-700 Palestinian children are detained and prosecuted in the Israeli military court system. The most common charge is stone throwing, for which the maximum sentence is 20 years. Currently, more than 190 Palestinian children remain in detention in Israeli prisons, the majority of whom are in pre-trial detention and have not been convicted of any offence.

Figures show that the occupation state has arrested about 7,000 children since 2015.

Since 2015, the occupation state has passed new laws that would legalize the issuance of high prison sentences for children, in some cases up to life imprisonment.

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