Turan: Turkey will continue to back Palestinians in their deserving cause

Ankara (QNN)- Hasan Turan, the head of parliament’s Turkey-Palestine parliamentary friendship group, said that “Turkey stands by Palestinians and will also continue to back them in their deserving cause.”

Turan said “the smallest contribution to the Palestinian people and the Palestinian cause is very important to them.”

Turan also stated, “We will continue to stand by the rightful Palestinian cause from now on, as it has been until today, until a sovereign, integrated and independent Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is established.”

Turkey has long been a strong supporter and defender of the rights and the cause of the Palestinians.

In 2018, Turkey asked the Israeli ambassador to leave over Israel’s attacks against Palestinians in Gaza and Trump’s decision to move the US Embassy to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv.

Turkey always condemns the illegitimate practices of ‘Israel’ towards the Palestinians and also the settlements policy.

Also, it always calls on the international community to put pressure on ‘Israel’ to end its actions which violate the international law.

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