Study: ‘Israel’ arrested 2250 Palestinians in 2020’s first half

Ramallah (QNN)- A new statistical study by Palestine center for prisoners’ studies revealed that the occupation state has arrested 2250 Palestinians during the first half of this year.

The study stated that the arrests included 350 children, 69 women, 12 journalists, and 12 elderlies.

The arrests also included 35 patients and Palestinians with special needs, two members of the legislative council, and 58 arrests over Facebook posts.

Most arrests took place in Jerusalem with 1050 of all ages and categories. The spokesperson of the center added that Hebron came second with nearly 350 arrests. 42 Palestinians were also arrested from Gaza.

Meanwhile, the collective punishment policy has been escalated during the same period. The policy has been used against the families of Palestinian prisoners, demolishing their houses.

In the same context, arrests among children have increased to 350 cases, including 22 children under the age of 12, while some of them were shot by Israeli soldiers during their arrest.

The Israeli penalties on Palestinian children prisoners have been estimated at 150,000 NIS (nearly $45).

The study added that the occupation state continued to issue administrative detention orders although of the coronavirus crisis and the international appeals to end the unlawful policy, issuing 557 administrative detention orders during the first half of 2020.

The administrative detention orders targeted all segments of the Palestinian people, including children and women.

The occupation state continues to arrest 400 Palestinians under administrative detention, without charge or trial.

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