Seth Rogen: ‘I was fed a huge amount of lies about Israel’

"They never tell you that – oh by the way, there were people there. They make it seem like it was just like sitting there, like the f***ing door’s open!"

Canadian actor, comedian, writer, producer, and director, Seth Rogen, has said he was “fed a huge amount of lies about Israel” as a young Jewish person.

Rogen’s comments were made during an extensive interview in which he discussed his Jewish heritage, along with his views on ‘Israel’ and antisemitism.

The Hollywood actor – who spent much of his childhood at Jewish schools and Jewish camp in Vancouver – told Marc Maron’s popular WTF podcast that he was “fed a huge amount of lies about Israel”.

“To me it just seems an antiquated thought process,” he said. “If it is for religious reasons, I don’t agree with it, because I think religion is silly. If it is for truly the preservation of Jewish people, it makes no sense, because again, you don’t keep something you’re trying to preserve all in one place.”

He continued: “As a Jewish person I was fed a huge amount of lies about Israel my entire life. They never tell you that – oh by the way, there were people there. They make it seem like it was just like sitting there, like the f***ing door’s open!… They forget to include the fact to every young Jewish person.”

Asked if he would ever go to live in Israel, Rogen said no. Maron replied: “I’m the same way, and we’re gonna piss off a bunch of Jews.”

Over 700,000 native Palestinians were driven out of their homes and lands or killed in mass massacres by Zionist militias 1948, so that Jewish migrants, brought by the Zionist movement to Palestine from all over the world, have a state of their own.

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