Sada Social: Pressure led to recovering major Palestinian Facebook pages

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Sada Social Center said in a statement issued on Monday it has made pressure on Facebook and succeeded to recover major Palestinians pages and accounts.

“Sada Social Center has closely followed Facebook’s deletion of dozens of “policy violation” reports against Palestinian pages in the past two days. These pages confirmed that Facebook removed these reports, and that publishing on these pages, which had been endangered to be completely or partially blocked, has come back to its normal patterns.”

The center assured that the achievement was possible only through social media lobbying campaigns led by Palestinian media and community organizations. It also stated that “it will continue making efforts towards a free Palestinian content.”

Iyad al-Rifai, director of Sada Social Center, says that the battle to obtain the freedom of a Palestinian digital/virtual content is not over, and called on all the relevant parties to take responsibility and support the Palestinian content’s freedom.

Facebook has waged a war on the Palestinian content when it made a new algorithm on Facebook that includes a list of Palestinian-cause-linked terms. Dozens of Palestinian pages and accounts, including News pages, were removed for mentioning terms like “Hamas, Hizbullah, and Jihad”. Meanwhile, watchdog groups assure that hundreds of Israeli posts and pages, which incite violence against Arabs and the Palestinian people were allowed on the website.

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