‘Rimon’ prisoners burn their cells in protest against cancerous devices

Gaza (QNN)- Palestinian prisoners information office in Gaza provided QNN with further details regarding burning section 1 in Rimon Israeli jail and the reasons behind it.

Chief of Palestinian prisoners office Nahed Al Fakhouri said to QNN that the administration of Rimon Israeli jail informed prisoners that they will be transferred from section 7 to section 1, however the prisoners assured that they will burn the section if they find cancerous devices inside the section.

“The Israelis “have already installed the cancerous jamming devices in section 1, like what they did in Negev prison,” Al Fakhouri said. “At first the prisoners assured that they refuse to be transferred, so they burnt the cells of the section and no injuried reported”. he added.

The administration of Rimon jail transferred 17 prisoners to other jails, and suppressed the prisoners causing several injuries, according to the Palestinian prisoners information office.

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