Report: Netanyahu uses Philadelphi to sabotage prisoners deal

Occupied Palestine (Quds News Network)- Sources close to the Israeli government have revealed that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is deliberately undermining potential prisoner deals for his own political gain. According to an analysis published in Haaretz, Netanyahu decided weeks ago that he did not want a deal to free Israeli prisoners, despite opportunities arising.

Netanyahu reportedly used the Philadelphi corridor—an area along the Gaza-Egypt border—as a strategic tool to rally support from right-wing factions within the occupation state. By focusing public and media attention on the corridor, Netanyahu effectively shifted the narrative away from the issue of the prisoners’ fate, turning it instead into a debate over security measures.

A government insider revealed that Netanyahu, acting with near-dictatorial authority, has kept any potential exchange deal from reaching the cabinet. This unilateral approach has led to growing frustration among ministers who recognize the sabotage but remain silent out of fear for their political survival.

“Netanyahu will pursue an endless war because that’s what is good for him,” the source stated, highlighting the prime minister’s willingness to prolong the conflict for personal and political advantage.

The analysis also criticizes the Israeli official narrative that Hamas will not agree to any deal, labeling it as a political ploy. This stance, coupled with Netanyahu’s declarations, has effectively killed any momentum for negotiations, leaving the fate of the prisoners hanging in the balance.

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