Rats bite off Israeli soldier’s ear and another’s nose at a base in northern occupied Palestine

Occupied Palestine (Quds News Network)- In a shocking incident, two Israeli soldiers stationed at the “Ami’ad” military base in the occupied Galilee were bitten by rats on their noses and ears, leading to severe bleeding.

According to Yedioth Ahronoth, two soldiers in the “Ami’ad” military base in the occupied Galilee were shocked awake after being bitten by rats on their noses and ears.

The newspaper noted that the rats bit the soldiers until they bled in the camp located in northern occupied Palestine. The soldiers were then taken to a medical facility for treatment.

The father of one of the soldiers in the military unit told “Yedioth Ahronoth,” “The rats literally ate the soldiers, and it is shocking and disgraceful.”

He added, “The images I saw this morning of soldiers with bleeding faces make me ashamed of the army’s failure to protect our most precious assets.”

He continued, “I never imagined for a moment that my son could be harmed or be in danger because the army does not provide him with assistance or basic hygiene conditions.”

This is not the first time the Israeli army has been attacked by animals during the war. A few weeks ago, “Walla” website reported that a soldier in the Israeli army, part of the 252nd Division occupying the Netzarim area in the Gaza Strip, said, “I was attacked by a group of dogs one of the times I went outside the shelter.”

The soldier pointed out that “generally, except for the change that happened in the last few weeks when they brought in large garbage containers, there were many cases of massive garbage accumulation, including food brought in large quantities by dogs, cats, and rats, among others.”

He continued, “Every time we asked for a solution to the health disaster, they – referring to the Israeli army leadership – would reply: We are taking care of it.” But in reality, the soldier said, someone would come to remove a pile of garbage and dig a hole to make room for more garbage.”

Additionally, other soldiers claim that there is a phenomenon of groups of stray dogs, which have not been vaccinated, with some of them attempting to attack soldiers “who were forced to use live ammunition to defend themselves.” In one case, soldiers saw a dog carrying a human skull.

Israeli reserve soldiers stated that there are no toilets in many places in the “corridor,” so soldiers in large settlements relieve themselves in bags or bottles.

Another soldier said, “This is one of the large settlement sites, think about the situation when you enter a site.”

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