Rage among pro Israel lobby pushes the New York Times to apologize for cartoon

New York (QNN)- The New York Times has apologised for a cartoon that appeared in the newspaper’s international edition on Thursday after receiving complaints it was “anti-Semitic”.

The cartoon showed Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu as a dog wearing a Star of David collar and leading a blind and skullcap-wearing US President Donald Trump.

The cartoon ran on Thursday in the opinion column of its international edition. The official apology came after criticism that its initial retraction on Saturday didn’t include the word apology.

The cartoon appeared next to a column by the Times’ senior political commentator Thomas Friedman on the migration crisis.

In the Twitter account of the Times’ opinion page, which will run in print Monday, the editors described the cartoon as having “anti-Semitic tropes,” calling it “offensive” and adding that it was “an error of judgment to publish it.”

The cartoon was criticised in Israel media and Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr called it “disgusting”.

Trump has shifted US policy sharply in Israel’s favour since taking office, most notably by recognising the disputed city of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital.

Meanwhile, Netanyahu has said wants to build a new settlement on the Golan Heights – and to name it after Trump.

Israel and pro Israel lobby have been accused of using charges of antisemitism as a weapon to silence freedom of speech and intimidate whoever dares to demand that Israel respects international law and Human Rights.

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