PCBS: Some 14.3 million Palestinians live around the world in mid-2022

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- The Palestinian Central Bureau of Statistics (PCBS) said on Thursday there are some 14.3 million Palestinians living around the world in the mid-2022.

On the occasion of the International Population Day, the PCBS said that there are about 14.3 million Palestinians living in historical Palestine and the Diaspora in mid-2022, of whom about 5.35 million in the State of Palestine (the West Bank and the Gaza Strip); 2.72 million males and 2.63 million females.

The PCBS went on to say that the estimated population of the West Bank is 3.19 million (1.62 million males and 1.57 million females). The estimated population of Gaza Strip is 2.17 million in the same year (1.10 million males and 1.07 million females).

The statement said that the percentage of individuals aged (0-14) years constituted 38% of the total population in mid-2022; of whom 36% in the West Bank and 41% in Gaza Strip.

The percentage of elderly population aged (65 years and above) reached 3% of the total population; of whom 4% in the West Bank and 3% in Gaza Strip in mid-2022.

With regards to fertility rates, PCBS pointed out that the total fertility rate during (2017 – 2019) declined to reach 3.8 births, compared to 4.6 births during the period (1999-2003); 3.8 births in the West Bank and 3.9 births in Gaza Strip. On the other hand, fertility rate was 3.8 births in urban areas compared to 4.4 births in rural areas and 3.5 births in the Palestinian refugee camps.

Presenting the results of the Labor Force Survey 2021, PCBS said that 11% of the households were headed by females in Palestine (12% in the West Bank and 10% in Gaza Strip).

Regarding the average household size, the results of both the Labor Force Survey 2021 and the Population, Housing and Establishments Census 2017 indicate a decline in the average household size in Palestine compared to 2007. Thus, the average size of the household declined to 5.0 individuals in 2021 compared to 5.8 individuals in 2007. On the other hand, the average household size in the West Bank declined to 4.7 individuals in 2021 compared to 5.5 individuals in 2007. In the Gaza Strip, the average household size declined to 5.6 in 2021 compared to 6.5 in 2007.

Highlighting smoking rates, PCBS said that the results of the Smoking and Tobacco Consumption Survey 2021 show that the percentage of individuals aged 18 years and above who smoke one or more products of smoked tobacco (manufactured cigarettes, hand-rolled cigarettes, cigars, and water-pipes) in Palestine increased to about 31% of the total individuals aged 18 years and above in the year 2021, while this percentage was about 23% for 2010. At the region’s level, the results of the survey indicated a large gap between the West Bank and Gaza Strip. There’s a clear increase in the prevalence of smoking among individuals aged 18 and above in the West Bank, as it reached about 40% in the West Bank, compared to 17% in Gaza Strip in 2021.

With regards to family planning, the statement said that data of the Palestinian Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey 2019-2020 (PMICS6) indicate that the percentage of women in the age group (15-49 years) who are currently married, able to have children and wish to space their pregnancies or reduce the number of children and do not use any means of family planning in Palestine reached 13% (14% in the West Bank compared to 12% in Gaza Strip).

Results of the PMICS6 for 2019-2020 also show that about 95% of women aged 15-49 years received prenatal health care at least four times by a health care provider during pregnancy; and about 73% of women in the same age received health care eight times or more during pregnancy.

The Labor Force Survey 2021 data show that illiteracy rate among individuals (15 years and above) was 2.3%. The illiteracy gap is significantly noticed among males and females with percentages of 1.2% and 3.5%, respectively. Data also indicate that the percentage of individuals (aged 15 years and above) who have completed university education (bachelor degree and above) was 17% (16% for males and 19% for females) while the percentage of individuals who didn’t complete any stage of education reached 7% (6% for males and 9% for females).

Regarding participation in the labor force, the results also show that more than one-fourth of the participants in the labour force were unemployed in 2021, where the percentage reached 26% (16% in the West Bank and 47% in Gaza Strip). Accordingly, the unemployment rate reached 43% among females compared to 22% among males.

Spotlighting household access to Internet at home, the statement said that during the first quarter of 2022, around 91% of households stated that they have access to internet service at home or one of their household members has access to the internet (91% in the West Bank and 90% in Gaza Strip). Meanwhile, the percentage of individuals (10 years and above) who used the internet from anywhere reached 88% in Palestine (91% in the West Bank and 83% in Gaza Strip) with no differences on the level of sex.

Data also show that the percentage of individuals (10 years and above) who own a mobile phone is 78% (85% in the West Bank and 68% in Gaza Strip). Also, the percentage of individuals (10 years and above) who own a smartphone is 71% (82% in the West Bank and 56% in Gaza Strip) with no differences on the level of sex.

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