Palestinian forced to self-demolish house at Israeli order in Tayibe town

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- A Palestinian man was forced this morning to self-demolish his house in the Tayibe town in the 1948-occupied Palestine at the Israeli occupation order under the pretext of building without a permit.

At the order of the Israeli occupation police, the Palestinian Dia’a Jaber self-demolished his house to avoid paying an additional exorbitant fine for the demolition costs to the Israeli municipality (the staff and the police) if it carries out the demolition itself, displacing its residents and turning the house into rubble.

The Israeli occupation police ordered Jaber to demolish his house one week ago under the pretext of building without a permit, rarely, if ever, issued for Palestinians by the occupation authorities.

There are dozens of Palestinian houses facing the Israeli threat of demolition in the Tayibe town.

Yesterday, scores of Palestinians demonstrated in the town in protest against Israel’s policy of house demolitions and the discrimination they face.

Israeli occupation authorities have intensified the demolitions of Palestinian houses in the 1948-occupied Palestinian territories.

According to Adalah – The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel, “Only 4.6 percent of new homes built in Israel are in Palestinian towns and villages. Even though Palestinians make up over 20 percent of the population.”

“The difficulty for Palestinians in Israel to obtain building permits forces them to expand or build homes and structures without permits, which are at risk of being torn down later by the Israeli authorities,” Adala said.

Palestinians inside 1948-occupied Palestine have long protested discriminatory laws, including the Kaminitz Law, which penalises the Palestinian community for building without permits with demolition and hefty fines.

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