One occupier killed in Jenin: More details revealed
The young man threw a brick from 3 stories up to defend his house during a pre-dawn Israeli raid into the West Bank village.

Jenin (QNN)- A preliminary investigation by the Israeli occupation army revealed more details about the self-defense murder of an Israeli soldier during a raid into the village of Ya’bad in the West Bank city of Jenin.
The investigation stated that the soldier died because his helmet was “ineffective” and that he was hit with a brick, which caused him to immediately fall down.
The investigation also stated that two soldiers, who were close, opened fire at the local, who dropped the brick to defend his house. However, they couldn’t wound him, according to Israeli Channel 12.
The Israeli army said that the Palestinian man threw the brick while he was on the third floor of a residential building in the village.
The Israeli raid took place at nearly 4:30 am and it was accompanied by an arrest campaign against the defenseless citizens of the village.
Less than ten hours later, the Israeli army raided the village again, arresting 18 locals, including women, children, and whole families. A total of 33 locals were announced to be arrested from the village.
The occupation state carries out daily raids into Palestinian villages and towns, arresting and humiliating native Palestinians and stealing and damaging properties.
Local and international human rights groups repeatedly slammed the Israeli daily raids and stressed its negative effects on Palestinians.