On Intl Women’s Day: ‘Israel’ holds 35 Palestinian women in its jails

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- The occupation state is holding 35 Palestinian women, including 26, who have been either sentenced or jailed under administrative detention.
The Palestinian Prisoners’ Club said in a report issued marking International Women’s Day, that the prisoners Shorouq Dwayyat from occupied Jerusalem and Shatila Abu Ayyad from the 1948-occupied territories are serving 16 years, which is the longest jail time.
It added that the prisoners Bushra Taweel, Khitam Sa’afeen, and Shorouq Al Badan are held under administrative detention without charges.
According to the report, eight prisoners are wounded, most of them were wounded after 2015. The longest-serving of them is Amal Taqatqa from Bethlehem, who is serving a 7-year-long jail time.
The occupation state is also holding 11 mothers, who are Israa Ja’abis, Fadwa Hamada, Amani Husheim, Hilweh Hamamreh, Nisreen Hasan, Inas Asafrah, Khalida Jarrar, Aya Khatib, Iman A’war, Khitam Sa’afin, and Shorouq Al Badan.
The report stressed that those jailed are subjected to different forms of torture and assaults from the moment they get arrested until being jailed.
Torture starts with opening fire at them during arrests, then strip search, being held in unlivable cells, and physical and psychological torture during interrogation.
The physical and psychological torture during interrogation includes Shabeh, handcuffing for long periods, sleep deprivation, lengthy interrogations, isolation, blackmailing, preventing lawyers from vising them, severe beating, and torturing family members.
Since 1967, the occupation state had arrested over 16,000 women, the first of them was Fatima Barnawi, who was sentenced to life but served ten years in jail.
The first and second Intifada saw the highest rate of arrests against women.