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New pictures of Stakala with Israeli settlers stir outrage among Palestinians

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- New pictures of a South African fraudster, wanted in South Africa to face charges of stealing Hajj and Umrah money, posing with Israeli settlers have surfaced, stirring outrage.

Several Palestinian accounts published pictures of Shaheed Stakala with Israeli settlers in occupied Jerusalem and the West Bank, where he has been for several months so far.

The pictures showed Stakala sharing meals and partying in addition to visits to houses of settlers. One of the pictures shows Stakla visiting settlers in a stolen house in occupied Hebron.

Meanwhile, on his Facebook account, Stakala” claimed that he was meeting settlers to “invite the Christians & Jews towards Islam”.

“I see a new trend which started over the past weekend and are ongoing.
People are now downloading my pictures (#ICanShareMyStory) taken with Jews from my page and start a negative discussion on their own and other pages. There are a very important story attached to those pictures. I appreciate it that people are now after being here (#Occupied_Palestine) for the last 10 months flocking to my page to share my pictures taken with people of faith other (Christians & Jews) than Islam. Feel free to download any of my pictures BUT kindly share the story that goes along with it as well. The story are extremely important. So far two people have accepted Islam during my #Walk_Through_Africa and a Jew which I met at Jaffar street Jerusalem are currently doing serious research in thus regard.
It is the duty of every Muslim to invite the Christians & Jews towards Islam. If we don’t remember Allah is not in need of us and he will replace us with other people who will be more steadfast in executing this responsibility.
And Allah knows best.
#GaironiesaFoundation”, Stakala wrote.

In another post, Stakala also attacked South African people for criticizing him.

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