Mexican organizations call to #StopCemex for its complicity with Israeli apartheid

Over 130 Mexican organisations have called on Cemex to reconsider its participation in the colonization, occupation and institutionalized discrimination against the Palestinian people.

In a letter sent to Cemex, the organisations have urged the Mexican company Cemex to withdraw its production plants in the Israeli-occupied territories in Palestine and the Golan Heights.

“We recall that Cemex cement and concrete are used in the construction of illegal settlements in the West Bank – Palestinian territory occupied by Israel since 1967 – and in parts of the Wall built by the Israeli regime and declared illegal in 2004 by the International Court of Justice,” the letter read.

It continued, “In the face of the imminent and illegal de jure annexation of much of the West Bank, ending Cemex’s complicity with de facto annexation measures-including colonization through settlements and the Wall-is more urgent than ever.”

Cemex is the second largest building materials company in the world and is deeply involved in Israeli policies that contravene international law.

The company has already been denounced for its illegal actions in a UN report on human rights in the Occupied Palestinian Territory in 2012.

T andhrough its Israeli subsidiary Ready-Mix, Cemex has factories in illegal Israeli settlements built on stolen Palestinian land. It also supplies Israel with cement and concrete for the construction of its wall, military checkpoints and illegal settlements in the Occupied Palestinian Territory.

Cemex’s commercialization with Israel makes it complicit in the crimes committed against the Palestinian people, as it allows Israeli policies of occupation, apartheid and colonization to continue even against the resolutions of the United Nations, the verdict of the International Court of Justice, and Mexico’s foreign policy.

The impact of campaigns driven by the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement has caused major corporations such as Orange and Veolia to stop being complicit in Israel’s violations, and giants such as G4S to start exiting the Israeli market.

Among the Signatory organizations: New Central Workers’ Union, Central Unitary Workers’ Union, People’s Solidarity Committee, Palestinian Solidarity Coordinating Committee, and Mexican Electricians Union (SME).

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