Lionel Richie ignores BDS calls and will perform in “Israel”

(QNN) – Despite calls from BDS, American singer Lionel Richie will not cancel his concert in Apartheid “Israel”.

Following the campaign targeting Jennifer Lopez to cancel her performance in “Israel”, Code Pink group has been leading a similar campaign calling on Richie to stand up by Palestinians’ rights and cancel his performance scheduled for the  September 12.

“If you choose to follow through with your performance in Tel Aviv, it will act as an endorsement of Israel’s brutal systems of military occupation and apartheid,” the group wrote in a petition. “Cancelling your Tel Aviv concert, on the other hand, would send a strong message that Palestinians, like all people, deserve equal rights and freedom.”

Richie, insisting on entertaining a bloody-handed regime, responded to Code Pink’s campaign by blocking their account on Twitter. CodePink’s national co-director Ariel Gold called Richie a “snowflake”.

“BREAKING: Simply because we started a campaign urging him to stand up for Palestinian human rights and cancel his upcoming show in Apartheid Israel, Lionel Richie blocked us! #LionelDontGo,” the group had tweeted on July 31.

BDS calls on international artists have been remarkably rising as the Israeli occupation regime has been desperately attempting to whitewash its crimes by inviting singers from all around the world to perform in the country and shed light on its “bright and entertaining” side.

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