“Legend of Our Generation”: Palestinians React to the Killing of Muhammad Deif

Gaza (Quds News Network)- Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and around the world expressed anger, sadness, and despair after Hamas announced on Thursday that Muhammad Al-Deif, the overall commander of the Al-Qassam Brigades, and other Hamas leaders had been killed.
Hamas said on Thursday that the top military commander was killed.
The Israeli military had claimed it killed Deif in an air attack in July, but the Palestinian group had not confirmed his death until Thursday.
The spokesman for the Qassam said his death was “befitting”.
“This is befitting of our leader Mohammed Deif, who exhausted the enemy for more than 30 years,” Abu Obeida said.
“How, by God, could Mohammed Deif be mentioned in history without the title ‘martyr’ and without the medal of martyrdom?” Abu Obeida asked.
Deif was one of the founders of the Qassam Brigades in the 1990s and led the force for more than 20 years. He is reported to have planned operations leading to the deaths of dozens of Israelis. Deif was also believed to have developed the group’s network of tunnels and its bomb-making expertise.
Abu Obeida also said deputy military commander Marwan Issa was also killed and announced the deaths of a number of other commanders, including Ghazi Abu Tamaa, the commander of weapons and combat services; Raed Thabet, commander of manpower and head of the supplies unit; and Rafei Salama, the commander of the Khan Younis Brigade.
For years, Deif was more than just a military commander. To Israel, he was the most wanted man, the mastermind behind countless operations. To Palestinians, he was a symbol of resilience, a man who survived repeated assassination attempts and continued to lead the military wing of Hamas.
محمد الضيف شهيداً
إلى رحمة الله pic.twitter.com/8OHVzads6E— محمود الحسنات ALHASANAT (@mahmoudalhsanat) January 30, 2025
Translation: “Muhammad Al-Deif is a martyr, may he rest in peace.”
عن قائدنا الكبير أبو خالد محمد #الضيف رحمه الله وأعلى مقامه في جنات النعيم
عند استشهاد زوجته وأطفاله، رأيته جبلًا من الصبر والثبات، رغم أن الألم كان يعتصر قلبه على فقدهم. كان يذكرهم دائمًا، ويكتم في قلبه شوقًا عظيمًا إليهم. حدثني مرة أنه كان مترددًا كثيرًا في الزواج قبل ذلك،… pic.twitter.com/ojUX0NX6Tj
— بلال نزار ريان (@BelalNezar) January 30, 2025
Translation: “About our great leader, Abu Khaled Muhammad Al-Deif, may God have mercy on him and elevate his status in the highest gardens of paradise..”
وُلدنا ونحن وكبرنا على اسمه ولقبه
لم يعرفه أحد، حتى الاحتلال لا يملك صورة حديثة له
35 عام وهم يبحثون عنه ، نجى من عدة محاولات اغتيال
وكتب الله له الشهادة في هذه المعركة
محمد المصري – أبو خالد ، الملقب بـ "الضيف" pic.twitter.com/OHxT1UutXq
— Dr. Ahmed Thabit – دأحمد ثابت (@ThabitAhmd) January 30, 2025
Translation: “We were born and grew up with his name and title. No one knew him, not even the occupation, which never had a recent picture of him. For 35 years, they searched for him. He survived several assassination attempts. And Allah decreed that he would attain martyrdom in this battle. Muhammad Al-Masri – Abu Khaled, known as “Al-Deif.”
سيعيش رجال محمد الضيف عمراً طويلاً، أطول من عمر اسرائيل، وسيبقى السيف قبال السيف حتى تفنى اسرائيل وتصبح ذكرى، حينها سننسى اسرائيل ونذكر اسمك و سيفك.
— izzeddin (@izzeddinshaheen) January 30, 2025
Translation: “The men of Muhammad Al-Deif will live long lives, longer than the life of Israel. The sword will remain against the sword until Israel perishes and becomes a memory. At that time, we will forget Israel and remember your name and your sword.”
محمد الضيف هو أسطورة جيلنا، سنبقى نحدث عنه أبناءنا أننا من ممن عايشوا زمن "الضيف"، كبرنا على اسمه يتردد في المجالس بطلًا نسمع عنه ولا نراه، يرحل شهيدًا كما يرحل العظماء على طريق الجهاد والمقاومة في سبيل تحرير فلسطين.
— Yasser (@Yasser_Gaza) January 30, 2025
Translation: “Muhammad Al-Deif is the legend of our generation. We will continue to tell our children about the time of “Al-Deif. We grew up hearing his name echoed in gatherings as a hero we heard about but never saw. He leaves as a martyr, just as great ones do, on the path of jihad and resistance in the quest to liberate Palestine.”
لقد تربينا مذ كنا أطفالاً على حب أبي خالد، كان لجيلنا مثلاً أعلى وأسطورة لم تأتِ من كتب التاريخ بل جاء من مخيمات اللجوء، من مخيم خانيونس للاجئين نهض حاملاً عهدة الشهداء ووصية الأجداد، حارساً لحقوق شعبه وأمته، متسلحاً بإيمان راسخ وعزيمة فولاذية، وكله شوق للصلاة في مسرى رسول الله…
— رضوان الأخرس (@rdooan) January 31, 2025
Translation: “We were raised from childhood to love Abu Khaled. For our generation, he was a role model and a legend, not from the pages of history books but from the refugee camps. From the Khan Yunis refugee camp, he rose, carrying the legacy of the martyrs and the will of our ancestors. He stood as a guardian of his people’s and nation’s rights, armed with unwavering faith and unyielding determination, always yearning to pray at the holy site of the Prophet ﷺ. This longing was reflected in every word, movement, and breath.
The Sword of Al-Quds, grandson of Khalid, Ali, and Al-Muthanna, was a noble, intelligent, pious, humble, sincere, loyal man, and finally, a martyr. Though his yearning was never fully realized, he left behind thousands—perhaps even millions—of seeds that will surely grow, rise, and carry on the path to Jerusalem, raising the banners above the minarets and walls.”