Jewish cult seeks asylum from Iran escaping religious persecution

North America (QNN)- A Jewish cult seeks asylum from Iran, Israeli media reported. The Jewish ultra-Orthodox “Lev Tahor” minority (which means pure heart in English), has been subjected to religious persecution, which pushed it to request asylum from Iran.

Israeli YWN claimed that documents were found and filed on Thursday to the US Federal Court, which reveal that the anti-Zionist cult pledged their loyalty to the Supreme Leader and Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran and requested “asylum, protection and religious freedom of the families of its loyal members in Cheshek Shlomo community.”

Lev Tahor declared “loyalty and submission to the Supreme Leader and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran” and called for “cooperation and help to counter Zionist dominance in order to peacefully liberate the Holy Land and the Jewish nation.”

The request came a month before five of the cult’s members were arrested in Mexico. The minority had moved to Guatemala from Canada in 2014.

Several members of the cult were prosecuted in the United States, Canada, and Mexico based on allegation of mistreatment of its children and identity theft.

The anti-Zionism cult shuns technology and its female members wear black robes from head to toe, leaving only their faces exposed. It also rejects the occupation state of Israel.

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