In a briefing following Trump’s announcement of Morocco’s decision to normalize ties with Israel, senior White House adviser Jared Kushner declared that Israeli-Saudi normalization is an “inevitability.”
“Israel and Saudi Arabia coming together and having full normalization at this point is an inevitability, but the timeframe… is something that has to be worked out,” Kushner said.
He continued, “The biggest prize for Washington would be getting Saudi Arabia to normalize ties with Israel. While this still appears to be some way off.”
He also said that an Israeli-Saudi agreement would require “strong US leadership in the region.”
“If you look at where we’ve come in last six months, the region has essentially gone from a solid to a liquid and it feels like there’s a lot more fluidity,” he added.
An Israeli diplomatic source told Channel 12 that Israel is in normalization talks with Muslim states in both Africa and Asia, Jerusalem Post reported.
Saudi Arabia stated that it supports full normalization with Israel, however, it said this would only happen after the establishment of a Palestinian state.