Israeli popular campaign demands greater authority to shoot Palestinians

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Hundreds of Israeli soldiers started a campaign on social media platforms, demanding greater authority to shoot Palestinians and change the IOF’s protocols regarding opening fire at Palestinians to make them more seamless.

The campaign, under the title “untie our hands”, was started after the announcement of the death of the Israeli sniper Barel Shmueli while he was targeting protesters on the borders between Gaza and the 1948-occupied territories yesterday. His colleagues in the Israeli army claimed that the leadership of the Israeli occupation Forces put restrictions on shooting orders in fear of an escalation with the resistance.

Last Monday, a citizen from Gaza used a pistol to shoot at Shmueli, who was one of several Israeli snipers who targeted protesters in Gaza while being stationed behind a concrete separation wall.

Massive protests had taken place on the eastern borders of Gaza demanding to end the Israeli siege on Gaza, which has been worsening the humanitarian situation in the already uninhabitable enclave, according to a report by the UN. Over 40 protesters were sniped by Israeli snipers during the protest.

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