
Israeli police arrests eight Palestinians in Jerusalem for using fireworks to celebrate Tawjihi results

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- The Israeli police on Saturday arrested eight Palestinian youths, who set off fireworks to celebrate their Tawjihi results, reported Arab 48.

The fireworks “scared the Israelis”, pushing the Israeli police to issue a Rreassurance statement addressing Jewish citizens.

“In the last few hours, fireworks were heard in the neighborhoods of East Jerusalem”, the police statement read. “We reassure that the fireworks were set off to celebrate Tawjihi results.”

The statement added that the police have arrested eight “suspects”. “quantities of fireworks had been seized and investigations were under way”, the statement stated.

The results of the Tawjihi exam were announced this morning, pushing hundreds of young students to the streets to celebrate their results.

The Tawjihi is the General Secondary Education Certification Examination in Palestine and serves to determine which subjects Palestinian students are permitted to study in Palestinian universities.

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