Occupied Palestine (QNN)- An Israeli senior police officer has reportedly said that police are limited in their ability to respond to violent crimes in the Israeli-occupied territories because those leading the violence “are mostly Shin Bet informants.”
According to a report by Israel’s Channel 13 news on Wednesday, the comment was made in a recent high-level meeting at the Israel Police national headquarters in preparation for a separate meeting held earlier in the day between Israeli Police Commissioner Kobi Shabtai and Public Security Minister Omer Barlev.
According to the report, the police representative in the meeting blamed the Shin Bet security service for the police force’s apparent inability to deal with the violent crime in the Israeli-occupied cities.
“The criminals who are currently leading the serious crime in Arab society are mostly Shin Bet informants and in this situation, the police are bound because those informants, who enjoy immunity, cannot be touched,” the unnamed senior officer was reported to have said.
The issue of crime in the Israeli Arab sector and the fact that the police do not have the appropriate tools to deal with it was raised in Wednesday’s meeting between Shabtai and Barlev, the report said, without giving details on the positions presented.
The Shin Bet, however, immediately denied the remarks, saying it was “false, has no basis and no connection with factual data” of recent indictments.