Israeli media: ‘Israel’ asked Biden administration to pressure Sheikh Jarrah residents to accept expulsion deal

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- Israeli media reported that officials asked the Biden administration to put pressure on owners of the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood to accept a deal, suggesting that they give up their house and become “protected tenants”.
The Israeli Supreme court had given Sheikh Jarrah’s houses’ owners seven days to accept the compromise in which they will give up their houses to a settlers’ organization and be named as “protected tenants”. They will have to pay a rental fee to the settlers’ organization, which claims that the lands of the Sheikh Jarrah neighbourhood were once owned by Jewish Yemenis before the Nakba, which automatically makes Jews, not Palestinians, entitled to own the lands.
“The international pressure on the Skeikh Jarrah issue needs to be deflected to the Palestinian sector”, Haaretz cited an Israeli diplomatic source. “The compromise presented by the justices is good for the Palestinian residents at the site and could get them down from their tree.”
Haaretz also cited another Israeli official as saying that the Biden administration was concerned about the issue of the forced expulsion but was not pressuring any side because it realizes that the decision is in the hand of the judiciary, which he claimed “independent, serious” and not likely to be unduly influenced.
One of the judges in the Sheikh Jarrah issue is a settler, who lives in an illegal settlement. The court is also working in the eastern part of Jerusalem, which is an occupied Palestinian territory according to international law.