Israeli channel 12: Cost of Gilboa breakers’ manhunt exceeded 100 Million NIS

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- Israeli channel 12 reported that the costs of the Gilboa prison breakers’ manhunt have exceeded 100 million NIS. While operations continue to find Munadel Infei’at and Ayham Kamamji, the costs continue to rise.

The Israeli channel described the costs as the highest since the occupation state was created in 1948.

An Israeli security official told the Israeli channel that the occupation state has been using full potentials in the manhunt.

Cyber units in the Israeli Shin Bet and police have been working seven days a week 24 hours a day, according to the channel. Dozens of helicopters and drones, in addition to thousands of policemen, traffic policemen, motorcycles, and units that usually work for the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) have taken part in the operations.

Also, other units, including special forces, information analysis units, investigators, technology experts, and most units of the Israeli army were part of the manhunt. The channel added that most of those units are working until now to find Infe’at and Kamamji.

The channel cited an Israeli security official as saying that the manhunt would probably cost at least 250 million NIS. He also noted that the ongoing search for Infe’at and Kamamji costs the occupation state 10 to 20 million NIS every day.

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