“Israel will be stronger with a Biden administration,” Rep. Steve Israel says

During an interview with The Jerusalem Post, Former New York Congressman Steve Israel stated that “Israel will do better with Joe Biden in the White House than with President Donald Trump.”

He also declared that ‘Israel’ with Biden will be in a better shape because he retains his love of ‘Israel’, and he’s going to rebuild alliances that have been frayed by the Trump administration, and that makes ‘Israel’ better off.

Steve Israel served in Congress for 16 years. In that time, he served as the Chair of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee and the Chair of the Democratic Policy and Communications Committee. In 2016, he announced he would not seek re-election.

Ahead of Tuesday’s election, he recounted some of his personal experiences and conversations with Biden, along with the policies and priorities that made him believe that Biden is the best for ‘Israel’.

“Though the United Arab Emirates and Bahrain have never been at war with Israel, this normalization is a very important step,” said Israel, answering if Biden would continue Trump’s policy to encourage Arab and Muslim states to establish diplomatic relations with the ‘Israel.’

He also said, “Biden administration’s policy in the Middle East will rest on one fundamental value, and that is continuing to support the relationship between Israel and the US and ensuring Israel’s qualitative military edge.”

Regarding antisemitism in the US, Steve Israel said Trump, “rather than condemning hate crimes, winks at the criminals.” while Biden is “on the absolute opposite end of the spectrum, and he will not tolerate antisemitism.”

Israel said that Biden told him, “you know when I learned about antisemitism? My dad would talk about the Holocaust and say, ‘Joey, we have to make sure this never happens again.'”

“That’s why I think Israel is going to be stronger and enhanced with a Biden administration,” Israel said.

For Biden, he stated that, as president, he will sustain “America’s unbreakable commitment to Israel’s security” and cited his role in the MOU, Obama administration’s huge $38 billion 10-year military aid package to Israel, which was signed between the two countries in 2016.

However, Biden has long opposed the growth and establishment of Israeli illegal settlements, as he stated last November. At the same time, he said that the idea that the US “would cut off military aid to an ally, our only true, true ally in the entire region, is absolutely preposterous,” declaring that he is not going to place conditions for the security assistance given the serious threats that ‘Israel’ is facing.

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