Israel sues 4 Palestinians for attending wedding of former prisoner

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- An Israeli court sentenced a group of Palestinian prisoners for different periods in jail over attending the wedding of former prisoner Rami Fakhouri.

Fakhouri has got married to the daughter of Misbah Abu Sbeih, who was arrested several times and also wounded while at the Al Aqsa mosque, which caused him to lose his right eye. All of this happened before he was murdered by Israeli soldiers later on.

Spokesperson of the Committee of Prisoners’ Families, Amjad Abu Asab, said that those court judgments are judicial precedents, which affected wedding guests and the groom himself.

The groom Rami Fakhouri was sentenced to 2 months and half in addition to six suspended months in jail, yet he has been arrested on an administrative detention order, taken by Netanyahu himself, since December 2018.

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