‘Israel’ stocks up COVID-19 vaccines, deprives Palestinians of vaccination

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- The occupation state has kept Moderna Inc. supply on hold because it has too many shots. Meanwhile, the occupation state continues to deprive native Palestinians of vaccination, according to Bloomberg.

Vaccine supply has outstripped demand in the world’s leading inoculator per capita, which has contracted to receive millions of doses from Pfizer Inc. and BioNTech SE in exchange for extensive data on Israel’s vaccine rollout. People under 50 have been less eager than their older compatriots to line up for a shot, so the pace of vaccination has slowed, with 40% of the occupation state’s 9.3 million people having received a first inoculation.

Thanks to steady Pfizer shipments, much of the only delivery from Moderna, totaling around 100,000 doses, remains in cold storage, Bloomberg quoted Eli Gilad, a senior Health Ministry official working on the coronavirus.

The occupation state is also postponing receipt of the supply it’s allotted through a World Health Organization-backed program, an Israeli official said on condition of anonymity to discuss vaccine strategy.

“The most important thing is to get as many vaccines as we can — Moderna, Pfizer — and get people vaccinated,” Eli Waxman, a physicist leading a team advising the Israeli national security council said. “I believe that they would be able to handle such a modification without great difficulty.”

wo thousand Moderna doses were transferred to the West Bank-based Palestinian Authority to inoculate medical workers, with an additional 3,000 planned. But for the most part, Israel is brushing off calls to provide vaccines for Palestinians.

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