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‘Israel’ killed two Palestinian children in 2021

On Wednesday night, the Israeli occupation forces shot and killed a 16-year-old Palestinian boy, south of Nablus in the northern occupied West Bank, making him the second Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces in 2021.

Said Yousef Mohammad Odeh, 16, from Odala, a village located south of Nablus, was shot dead by Israeli forces with live ammunition around 9 p.m. near the entrance to the village, according to the Defence for Children International- Palestine(DCIP).

According to the information collected by DCIP, the Israeli forces reportedly confronted Palestinian youth at the village entrance prior to the shootingaid was not involved in the confrontations at the time he was shot.

He sustained at least two gunshot wounds. He was struck with live ammunition in the back near his right shoulder and pelvis and both bullets exited from the front.

“Israeli forces routinely unlawfully kill Palestinian children with impunity, using intentional lethal force against Palestinian children when they pose no threat,” said Ayed Abu Eqtaish, Accountability Program Director at DCIP.

“Systemic impunity has fostered a context where Israeli forces know no bounds.”

Israeli forces reportedly shot another youth in the back with live ammunition as he approached Said to provide aid.

A Palestinian ambulance was prevented from reaching Said for at least 15 minutes, said the DCIP.

When paramedics were finally allowed to approach the boy, he had no vital signs. He was transferred to Rafidia hospital in Nablus where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.

DCIP said that Said is the second Palestinian child killed by Israeli forces in 2021, as th forces shot and killed 17-year-old Attallah Mohammad Harb Rayan on January 26 after he allegedly attempted to stab an Israeli soldier stationed at Hares Junction, southwest of Nablus and near the illegal Israeli settlements, Revava and Barqan.

DCIP said that in 2020 only, Israeli forces killed nine Palestinian children in the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, and the Gaza Strip, six of whom were killed with live ammunition.

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