Israel hands over body of mother it killed last September

Jenin (QNN)- Israeli authorities have released the body of Isra’a Ikhzeimiyyeh, a mother of four children, who was killed last September by Israeli soldiers in occupied Jerusalem.
Local sources said the Israeli authorities allowed only Ikhzeimiyyeh’s father and one paramedic to receive her body.
They added that the Israelis prevented Palestinians from reaching the Salem military checkpoint, which saw the delivery of the victim’s body. They also prevented the mayor of Jenin, Kamal Abu Al Rob, journalists, and relatives of the victim from reaching the area.
The body of the mother of four children was taken to Khalil Suleiman hospital in Jenin.
Ikhzeimiyyeh was shot dead by Israeli forces near the Silsilah gate in occupied Jerusalem on 30th September 2021. She has four children the oldest of them is only ten years old while the youngest is two years old.