‘Israel’ created 14 settlement outposts sine 2011

Occupied Palestine (QNN)- The National Bureau for Defending Land and Resisting Settlements revealed in its weekly report that the Israeli government has approved the construction of at least 14 settlement outposts without official announcements since 2011.
The report added that the occupation state is trying to legitimize 130 settlement outposts, where nearly 10,000 illegal settlers live, most of whom are members of a terrorist organization called “Hilltop Youth”, which carry out routine terrorist attacks on Muslim and Christian shrines.
It added that the Israeli Knesset’s approval of a bill that legitimizes illegal settlement outposts was not surprising for the Palestinians “as such policy has been know to be a part of Trump’s deal, which was prepared by the Israeli government and adopted by Trump’s administration.”
The report noted that the Israeli government funded illegal settlement outposts directly and indirectly through settlement organizations. For example, Hiltop 387 settlement was created by HaRo’eh Ha’Ivri, aims at training the Hilltop Youth and gets stable funding from the Israeli government.