‘Israel’ closes Ibrahimi mosque for ten days

Occupied Hebron (QNN)- The Ministry of Islamic Waqf on Friday condemned the Israeli decision to close the Ibrahimi mosque in occupied Hebron for ten days under the pretext of curbing the spread of COVID-19 virus.
The Under Secretary of the Ministry, Hussan Abu Arrub, said “the decision is rejected and condemned, and we will not comply.”
The mosque “is a Muslims only place of worship, supervised by the Ministry of Islamic Waqf”, he added.
Abu Arrub also said that the Israeli decision is a violation and an intervention in the authority of the Palestinian government, noting that the ministry “is supervising all measures related to the worshipers’ entry into the mosque and provocative measures during the pandemic.”
the Chief Justice of Palestine, Mahmoud Al Habbash, said the Israeli decision is a fully-fledged war crime under International law.