‘Israel’ asks PSS to leave North Jerusalem

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- The correspondent of the Israeli Kan channel reported that ‘Isreal’ asked the Palestinian Security Service (PSS) to leave north Jerusalem.

He added that the PSS had deployed in the villages of Kafr ‘Aqab, Semiramis, and Qalandya to control the spread of the novel coronavirus before being asked to leave.

The channel also reported that the PSS still works in some areas of the city, as its members work on preventing the spread of the virus.

The PSS, according to the channel, stated that the Israeli decision, preventing the PSS from working Palestinian towns, where nearly 70,000 Palestinians live, doesn’t make any sense. It added that this is not a good time to talk about areas “A, B, and C” as the priority should be for fighting coronavirus.

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