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In Video| Israeli sniper shoots German journalist in Gaza during peaceful protest

Gaza (QNN)- Israeli snipers on the separation barriers between Gaza and the occupied Palestinian land shot German author and journalist Jürgen Todenhöfer with a rubber bullet while participating in the peaceful Great Return March protests on Friday.

Todenhöfer, who was shot in his back, was only holding a sign in which he asked Israelis to treat Palestinians the same way they want to be treated. He appears in a live Facebook streaming holding the sign before being shot in the back.

On his Facebook page, Todenhöfer asked about the reason why the Israeli soldiers shot him and asked if Netanyahu is leading a war against freedom of speech.

Jürgen Todenhöfer is a German author, journalist, politician, and executive. He is a former member of the Bundestag, who is known for his support for the Palestinians’ rights.

The Great Return March protests have started over one year ago in Gaza demanding the end of the Israeli siege on the enclave and the right of return.

Israeli soldiers killed hundreds of peaceful protesters and injured thousands of them, including children, paramedics, and people with special needs claiming that they are dangerous.

A report by the United Nations issued on the first anniversary of the protests confirmed that the protesters are peaceful and do not pose any threat.

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