In Video| Dozens of injuries in Israeli vicious attack on Issawiyyeh

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- Dozens of native Palestinians were injured last night during an Israeli brutal attack on the Issawiyyeh neighborhood in occupied Jerusalem.

Testimonies by locals stated that several residents were suffocated after Israeli soldiers heavily targeted the houses with tear gas grenades.

Paramedics revealed that they have dealt with 15 suffocation cases, including an 8-months-old infant, while the Palestinian Red Crescent stated that its teams treated two wounded cases before evacuating them to hospital.

The Israeli soldiers also attacked human rights activists, who were documenting the Israeli raid. Muhammad Abu Hummus, a human rights activist, was wounded when Israeli soldiers hit his face with a rifle to stop him from video taping what was happening in the Palestinian neighborhood.

Israeli soldiers assaulted the locals and used tear gas and stun grenades in addition to rubber-coated metal bullets and beating with rifles and truncheons.

Several women were assaulted while several residents were arrested after being beaten.

Israeli forces carry out raids into the Issawiyyeh neighborhood from time to time. A recently leaked video footage, which was published by an Israeli Newspaper, revealed that the Israeli authorities adopt such raids as a policy, which aims at provoking native Palestinians and pushing them to defend themselves then get arrested and evicted from the holy city.

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