Hundreds participate in funeral of detainee who was beaten to death in Israeli jail

Occupied Jerusalem (QNN)- Hundreds of citizens took part in the funeral of Abdul Mutaleb Khatib in occupied Jerusalem today. Khatib was beaten to death by Israeli police at the Maskubiyyeh detention center in occupied Jerusalem yesterday.
Hundreds of Palestinians marched from Al Aqsa mosque in the funeral of Khatib on the early morning of Friday. Israeli police had imposed restrictions on Khatib’s family, including burying their son’s body at night.
Al Khatib family said that Israeli jailers at Al Maskubiyyeh had beaten and tortured Abdul Muttaleb with electricity to death. Other detainees confirmed the family’s narration.
Israeli police had arrested Abdul Muttaleb on Sunday. Last Wednesday the Israeli Prison Service (IPS) announced his death without revealing the causes of death.
Abdul Muttaleb Al Khatib (43 years old) is married. He is a father of four kids and was waiting for a fifth baby. Israeli police claimed that he was detained for a traffic law violation.